Award Details:
· Adult Amateurs only.
· Open to all breeds.
· Entries will submit either a creative writing or video project.
· If submitting a creative writing project, please include photos of you and your horse.
· Project will outline the rider’s bond with their horse; any obstacles they have overcome, and the qualities the horse possesses that Dreamer had. (Patience, Wisdom, Courage, Kindness, Determination, and Passion.)
· Entries will be due November 1st, 2021.
· Entries are to be submitted either by mail or email.
· Mail entries to Ruthie Haney: 35016 W Hwy 66 Bristow, Ok 74010 or email to dressage18@yahoo.com
· The winner will be announced at the ODS Christmas/ Year End Awards Party.
Prizes will include rose neck garland with nameplate for horse; and riders will have the option of choosing a vest or jacket OR halter with nameplate.
Entry Should Include:
· Name:
· Horse’s name:
· Breed:
· Creative writing or video project (circle one)
· Vest or Jacket or Halter with nameplate (circle one)
· Size of Jacket or Vest:
A note from Ruthie Haney
I want to thank each one of you who took the time to apply for this award. When I lost Dreamer, I knew that I wanted to do something like this. He was more than just a horse to many people; he represented hope, and determination. He was a teacher, a fierce competitor, a loyal and faithful friend. Together we defied the odds and overcame more than one obstacle; we had many highs and lows. But he never wavered from my side, Dreamer was a constant and unyielding presence up until the moment he passed away; even after I know he is still with me, always.
I felt that it was important to recognize this bond that we have with our horses; no matter what level of Dressage we are at. Dreamer encompassed what it is we seek in our Equine partners; he possessed every quality and more. I know that there are many more out there who have those same qualities. I greatly look forward to your submissions.
Good Luck and Happy Trails,
Ruthie Haney